Home learning
Home learning is an important part of your child's education and compliments the work they do in school. At Wick we expect all of our children to engage in their home learning and parents to support them in completing this independently where possible.
Through its research, The education endowment foundation has found homework when tailored to the learning in school can have a great impact on the progress of children.
At Wick, Year 2 - 6 children will receive their homework on a Wednesday and should be returned the following Monday. Year R & 1 will receive their homework on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.
At Wick, we aim for home learning to not be time-consuming but rather short quick activities which link to your child's learning in school. You will find more information about home learning expectations below. Details relating to your child's specific class can be found on their class pages.
Reading at home
At Wick, we are keen for our children to develop a love of books and place reading at the heart of our curriculum. Children have lots of opportunities to read throughout the day, access to the school library and we aim to provide them with age appropriate texts as they move through the school.
Reading Badges
Reading badges is our new reward based system for reading at home. Whether your child is an avid reader or someone who needs to discover the joy of reading, the badges give them an opportunity to work towards a milestone. Children move up through coloured ‘badges’ depending on how many times they have read throughout the week. Once a week, we check to see who has read at home by collect in the reading records to total up the number of reads. In our Celebration Assembly, children, who have reached a milestone for number of reads, will receive their rewards.
What counts as a read?
- Reading to an adult or independently (listening to an adult reading to you in KS1).
- This could be a school reading book, a library book or a book from home.
- One read per day counts.
- An adult must sign your planner for each read.
- Write the name of the book in your planner (an adult can help if needed).
Example of how to fill out your child’s reading planner