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Mrs Ella Davies
Year R Teacher

Mrs Nicky Willmott
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jennifer Hale
Teaching Assistant 

Welcome to Badger class where your teacher is Mrs Davies and your teaching assistant is Mrs Willmott. Below you will find some useful general information about being a Badger. On the right you can find out everything you need to know about your home learning.

PE days
The Badgers have PE on Wednesday afternoons with our sports coach Mr Pollard. Children wear their PE kits to school and for safety purposes, children also need to remove any earrings or jewellery and long hair should be tied back before coming to school, wherever possible.

Water bottles
Please ensure your child brings a labelled bottle of water to school each day.  The children are advised to take their bottles home each evening to wash them and bring them back refilled the next day. Please note juice or squash is not permitted as a drink throughout the day.

Outdoor clothes
We encourage the Badgers to use all the school grounds, so we ask your child to have a puddle suit and wellington boots in school that will stay in our Badger area, and we will send them home termly to be washed. 

Equipment you will need

All stationery will be provided, children are not permitted to bring a pencil case. School will provide a reading scheme book alongside a book of the child's choice, these should be in school every day.

Reading at home

Home reading should be recorded in the reading record provided - we aim for 5 reads per week. Reading records are checked regularly in school on a Monday. 

Termly newsletter & home learning

Term 2

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Term 3

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Term 4

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Term 5

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Term 6

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Look what we have been up to

Term 1

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Term 2

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Term 3

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Term 4

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Term 5

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Term 6

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